What we do!

By shipping direct to your customers’ Regional Distribution Centers (RDC), we eliminate the need for additional transportation and handling. This not only reduces mileage and fuel consumption but also minimises the carbon footprint associated with multiple movements to and from a hauliers hub.

At Chris Reed Transport, we prioritise efficiency and sustainability. Our team ensures that trailers are filled to capacity, maximizing the use of available space. By delivering to multiple depots in the same geographical area, we further optimize our routes, reducing unnecessary travel and emissions.

Our approach not only benefits the environment but also translates into cost savings for your business. By minimizing double handling and transportation expenses, we help you save money while contributing to a greener future.

Choose Chris Reed Transport for your shipping needs and join us in our commitment to both your bottom line and the environment

Reduce your carbon footprint by delivering direct to RDC

Temperature Controlled Transport

We operate a modern fleet of Chereau refrigerated Trailers, capable of transporting goods at temperatures as low as -25℃.

Curtain Side Haulage

Transporting a multitude of goods in our modern safety conscious trailers!

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